Tuesday 12 April 2011

Travel insurance - money for nothing?

Frankly, I don't usually bother.

There are two main reasons to buy travel insurance, or indeed any insurance:
  1. Where the investment is significant, like a first class around the world trip, or once-in-a-lifetime cruise, or your home and contents
  2. To cover the unknown quantities, like those incurred in medical emergencies, or accidental damage to others or their property. 
For example, most of my recent international travel has been to NZ to visit family. The flights are reasonably cheap, and NZ has excellent, free emergency medical treatment, as well as reciprocal agreements with our public health system. No brainer: no insurance necessary.

Regrettably, I don't have the wherewithal to afford first class round the world trips, and I don't like the idea of cruise ships, so my investment is generally not beyond my capacity to cover from reserves if necessary.

On the other hand, when going somewhere with less-than-first world health system (India, Asia etc), it’s always good to have a “Get me home NOW!” medical evacuation card. Or, when going somewhere with a stupidly distorted and expensive health system (America), it’s essential to have a “Yes I have insurance, please stop the hurtiness” ticket.

Generally, my health is excellent, although I am thought to be a little accident-prone by some. (I’m not. I just do accident-prone things, like tae kwon do, and home improvements, and using a mandoline slicer. Not the same at all.) Sometimes shit happens, no matter how careful you are. But you don't want said shit to permanently injure you unnecessarily or render you bankrupt.

Upshot: I have travel insurance for this trip, and will also for India, but I sincerely hope I need never claim on it.

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