Sunday 3 April 2011

New York Pass - help me choose!

While perusing some website or other, I came across the New York Pass. For an upfront fee, you get access to a bunch of popular attractions, including queue-jumping fast entry to a number of them. Naturally, I then compared the cost of entry for my top half-dozen against the price of the pass. It didn't quite stack up on those alone, but it covered more than half the cost. And it would give me paid-for entry into a bunch of things that I might not otherwise justify the cost of, but might be well worth visiting anyway.

So I bought one - a seven day pass for US$160 (which was the discounted price offered that day). That means, on average, I need to visit one-and-a-bit attractions a day at $20 each to break even.

There are fifty-odd attractions included in with the pass, so I need to break the list down into the "Gotta"s, the "Maybe"s and the "Unlikely"s. And I need your help!

Are there ones that I've put in the Maybe column that really are worth seeing? Are there ones in the Maybe column that are complete crap? Have I missed the point on some of them?

Above all, I need to narrow it down - I don't want to be brought down by Stendahl Syndrome.  On the other hand, I don't want to miss something really worthwhile. So I'd really appreciate your feedback/opinions/experience with any of these.

Without wanting to seem insensitive, I should point out that I don't have any knowledge or particular interest in American History, or of the various ethnic groups. And I'm so not a celebrity hound, so the idea of seeing key locations from films and TV shows has no appeal whatsoever. And I've been up the Empire State Bulding already (albeit 15 years ago).

(*) I was initially very keen on the Food on Foot tours, but after getting a less than encouraging response from the organisers, including shouty emails telling me what it isn't, and the myriad ways my paraphrasing was incorrect, I told them forget it.

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