Thursday 5 January 2012


We have seamless Internet access on the iPad and phones (when the power is on), but the net book is having problems due to, well, who knows what. JD's working on it. However without either the fabulous app, Blogger, that I used in April or a tactile keyboard, blogging using the iPad just isn't realistic. (Blogger allowed me to write and edit posts offline, but no longer works and is no longer listed on the iTunes site. Wah!) Anyway, now that I finally have the time to catch up, I don't have the necessary Internet connection. (And why does the autocorrect insist on capitalising 'Internet'??) I will pick up again when I can.


  1. Oh, and between the power outages and power surges (very very often) I've managed to fry the charger for the iPads/iPods/iPhones. Yay! Not.

  2. Ab, I was able to download the Blogger app using AppMiner.
    Also, is there some sort of surge protector you can get so the new one I'm going to get you doesn't fry?

  3. I've got the app - it just doesn't work anymore :(
    A surge protected short-as-you-can power board might be a smart idea. Make sure it's easy to reset! Thanks!!
