Wednesday 23 August 2017

Scotland Day 1.3 - National Museums Scotland

Again, a place holder until I have internet worthy of the name.

I spent the afternoon in the National Museum, an absolutely massive pair of buildings. One, fashioned after the Crystal Palace has a series of themed exhibitions, stacked vertically, around a spacious light-filled atrium.

I passed a very pleasant hour or more in the Fashion and Style (part of the Design themed section), and after a cuppa tea, went across to the other building, and wandered about the Kingdom of the Scots (I'll need to check that - my phone is upstairs charging, and I tossed all the brochures figuring I could retrieve the info online when the time came).

This exhibit covers ca. 900 to 1600 (or so), from Robert the Bruce through to James VI, including the Covenanteers.

I very briefly wandered through the sub-ground level, covering the geological and first peoples, but was too weary to give it much time or energy.

Instead, I caught a bus back to my accommodation, stopping for a drink on the way home. Realising that they had better internet than my apartment, I then went back, grabbed my laptop, and wrote the two posts (day 0 & 1.1) while drinking and dining at The Black Fox.

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