Wednesday 27 March 2013

Packing notes

It's time to start thinking about what we're going to pack.

This time is a little different in that (a) we will be dealing with multiple climates (total fire ban-hot Melbourne, tropical Singapore, chilly Tokyo, and snowy mountains), and (b) we will be taking some stowed luggage. Although stowed luggage goes against every grain of my travelling soul, we can't take local wines with us unless they're stowed.

Upside: we don't have to be so economical with our packing. Downside: we don't have to be so thoughtful about our packing. But I'm still preparing a rough list to make sure nothing critical gets left behind, and that we're not taking more than actually need (we're expecting to come back with at least one extra stowed bag).

Carry-on bags will still have enough to get us through at least the first day in each new location, in case bags don't make it onto the same flight for whatever reason. That means at least one full change of clothes, basic toiletries, essential medicines, inflight entertainment, and anything we cannot risk losing (camera SD cards etc).

Stowed luggage can have the snow gear, gifts, parcel Em bought online but accidentally had sent to her folks place in Oz, extra pair of shoes, extra toiletries and the like. If we plan it well, we won't even have to open this bag while we're in Singapore.

In the meantime, we need to get everything we want to take with us laundered, tidy up the house, see whether the boys still remotely fit their snow gear (and obtain replacements if required), charge all the electronic devices, load podcasts and movies onto said devices, tee up the house sitter/supervisor, source the hostess gifts, find a phrase book, and squeeze in another full day's work/school. Easy. Heh.

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