Tuesday 24 January 2012

Survey is up

See there, over near the top right, where it says "INDIA: WHAT DO YOU WANT TO KNOW FIRST?", there are a bunch of ideas. And you can vote as many times as you like! (I think) If there's something I've mentioned (or that I should have) that you'd like to know more about, tell me here, under "Add a comment". You do need to log in at some level - this is only to reduce spambots, and I don't get information about you unless you add a link.

And if you don't reply to my survey, I shall sulk and do whatever I damn well please, whenever it damn well pleases me. But, I'd much rather hear from you, if only because it will give me a starting point.


  1. Now come on! At least 14 people have viewed this post, but only two have voted. Gimme some feedback, people!!!

    Also, another possible topic is Food, glorious food! Reply here, if that's your vote.
