Wednesday 4 July 2012

Noosa - the Croissant Man

Each morning, around 8:30am, the Croissant Van arrives, selling fresh croissants ($3), danishes, pain au chocolat, and other yummy things ($4).

Each morning, they do the rounds of the resorts/tourist accommodation places, ringing a handheld bell out the window.

We all line up to buy delicious things we wouldn't consider an appropriate breakfast in the real (aka non-holiday) world. (That's Noni in the blue and white dressing gown.)

Warmed up in the oven so that the chocolate softens, a pain au chocolat (rod of chocolate rolled inside a croissant) is a delightfully indulgent breakfast. 


  1. Anyone else out in their jammies? Or just mum?

  2. I was too! I just very carefully stay behind the camera.
